Dear colleagues, unionists,


I would like to inform you about the course of KV for 2020. The current KV is in a stalemate – the unions have already made concessions and loyal gestures, but the company had made only cosmetic adjustments that did not bring any important changes. Negotiation is dragged because of the company got into a situation in which it has no time to act intensively and has no staff for

discussing other issues. Simply put, a small group of leadership decides and solves everything and therefore everything drags incredibly and takes a long time.


Another thing is the attitude of the established OO TPCA, who is comfortable sitting at meetings,

although they know the situation stagnates, and we can have intermediary here for two months, legal

mentors. In a their steps, they showed the company their support in partnership between the company and OO, reducing the requirements by one point and rejecting the intermediary.


OÚP has already made a request for an intermediary, which is the next legal step

in KV and is currently on the agenda. After this suggestion we  found out interesting

responses from management, such as: “what if you don’t pick the votes you need for a strike?”

It can be seen that the management of the company is very forward in thinking and is already mapping the situation for collecting votes and strikes. Which is a challenge – the company probably wants to prove that we are the real team as it says. So let’s prove to company that its slogans have something in us!

Thus, if we will collect votes, it will be the failure of the company’s negotiating team as well

the last meeting we managed to agree and there was a substantial increase in wages and

creating an interesting bonus for employees. The contract was two years ago at this time

already signed, so what’s new here? Unionists and employees are the same, just the HR department has changed somehow and hopefully for the better…? Certainly yes, in recent years the negotiating team for

the company could not bear any comparison with czech employers.


Now we rely on newspaper articles and explore in the neighborhood where collective bargaining is finished and how it turned out. For example, last year Skoda has signed a overall addition 2500 CZK to tariffs and what we can to expect this year’s negotiations in Skoda? Probably another financial increase. So this is next opening of “financial scissors” between Škoda and TPCA. Unfortunately, we can’t even keep up, we all lose more and more wage levels every year.


Reason, why we want a very strong wage increase, is quite simple. We don’t want to

compare with free-standing companies, but forced-speed companies, where the employee works as a well programmed machine – flawlessly, without mistakes, without

maintenance. Where do employees work like this? Perhaps in subsidiaries of Toyota and

PSA. So here is a clear comparison.


The company compares our employees with performance in subsidiaries in various parameters. In the Toyota concern, as we all know, we have really good position and both Toyota and PSA audit have confirmed this. What our management forget, over the past 16 years, is a comparison of WAGE! Why? It’s an omission or intention? Answer yourself. We have one-third salaries for the work we do, we work

according to the same STD, with the same technologies. We have very similar family expenses, or

there are major differences in the shopping cart on the european market? Or do we have a

one-third price of a car from Toyota or PSA?


The company explains us how low profitability is on this car segment! But the employee does not decide that, it is the choice of Toyota that we produce this segment, so their argument that a small car makes little profit is the truth as much as the profit from large cars in Russia, where they definitely do not have the highest wages, although manufactures Toyota’s largest cars. So, in their words, the next year we are expecting a sudden increase in wages, because we start to produce a car in higher segment and more profitable? Our employee is a human robot, working according to STD, who does not give him possibility to breathe and the workload is on the edge of the load capacity and sometimes unfortunately behind them. As our employees’ health problems show, such as ergo seizures, rehabilitation, various treatments and disabilities and permanent consequences that limit you in future employment. I think this is a fundamental explanation of why we want to work for better money.


Another interesting arguments has the company regarding the home office work, which the company created quietly for a group of employees, which we wish them of course. It is a very good benefit that belongs to this time, but 25 days and what for the other a group of employees? Unfortunately, the company again forgot about that large group of employees, for which he still has changes in his work calendar, extra shifts, increasing numbers of performed kaizen, quality rings and mainly they must work at the forced pace according to STD!


Or is this that benefit what compansates the benefit of the other group, does this group have something similar to that of manufacturing employees? OÚP wants an equal benefit for this large group of employees, namely 5 days of sick leave. This benefit, in this number of days, have both Toyota plant and companies in the region and can work with this fact and balance with the number of employees who

they will stay at home with a mild cold. Maybe we should rotate our Mng TPCA within

Toyota to learn how to solve it in other plants and bring these changes to their ranks. For us,

Home office = time off.


What else was solved:

As first, from the side of the company came complete proposal for a new method of automatic

promotion and opportunities to get career points faster. In this point all the unions agreed

that is fair, effective and good for TM motivation. Although there were some shortcomings, so

the company promised another presentation with apparently final corrections.

It was continued with the introduction of the calendar to clarify the status of production (for

balanced period of 26 weeks) and the need for additional saturdays for this type of balance

the period according by the calendar can be built. Everything depends on which direction further negotiations about KV are going to continue.


The next point was the topic of increasing the amount of meal vouchers versus solution proposed by the company and the reason why they do not want to increase their meal vouchers. The solution is chilled meals in vending machines. However, it must be tested, tasted, choose suitable position for testing and many others things as well. So this point will probably be a long-term topic and it will occupy many people who will have to deal with it, because this is probably a the simplier solution than adding an amount on meal vouchers.


Savings measures – the company wants to save only on employees on the lines. If it

should increase some expenses, the only in case of canceling another job, it is just another

threatening to make work worse. Here we pointed out the company cars, using the economic Ayga according to Mr. president. According to the management of the company, this solution does not seem,

even though the savings would be about 1.7 million CZK. We are not sure about this amount, but ok. Unfortunately, it was said: “cars are already ordered and nothing will change”. So, colleagues, save, it’s up to us again.


What will be next? OO, which subsequently agreed unanimously and synergistically on percentage

increase to tarif to 10%. This OO step is essential and proving certain understanding the situation of the company. As well, it is a gesture of expectation if a company can change its proposal and attitude by approaching the OO proposal and the amounts, that our employees build this

company, deserves more than ever. There was also a consensus among all OOs that if the company came

again with the same proposal, the next step will be for all OOs

the invitation third side – legal side, intermediary.


It is not our aim in any way to tarnish the good name of our employer and we are glad

we would agree within the Negotiating Team, but in the current stalemate we do not see

another solution for further negotiations.


On behalf of the OÚP negotiation team

Chairman, Petr Bíba