by Odbory OÚP | Apr 26, 2019 | News
Dear colleagues, we have concluded a part of the explanation with the company, whether to partially release the chairperson OÚP or not to release him, and send the final decision and our statement to the company, see the following text. Good morning, thank you...
by Odbory OÚP | Apr 15, 2019 | News
Dear colleagues, trade unionists, so far, I have not responded to the company’s statement of „My TPCA“ regarding the termination of releasing of union chairmen and the savings which will be reach. At first I had to read it twice because it didn’t make any...
by Odbory OÚP | Apr 6, 2019 | News
Dear colleagues, unionists, last week I sent you, among other things, information about my termination of chairman of OUP and lot of questions followed. And here is the answer: For a long time I was dissatisfied with the company’s approach and solution...